For chemical preparation of rusty and pure metal items from a steel, with simultaneous "cold" phosfating and passivation before applying coatings, and also for scale handling on welded seams. «NOTEH» will convert a rust to insoluble phosphates of iron on which it is possible to put a covering.
At internal cleaning of pipelines and the equipment solution prorolling «NOTEH» without heating probably fast dissolution (removal) of a rust with formation of soluble phosphates.
Increases durability of a paint and varnish covering by reducing the rate of corrosion. Doesn't demand washing of the processed surface by water. Considerably reduces the complexity of cleaning process.
Independent or in the combined schemes of clearing of difficult large-sized designs and operational development of mechanicly cleared surfaces in hard-to-reach spots before coloring. Doesn't form a layer as a ground, therefore is combineable with the majority of known types of paint and varnish materials.
For protection against secondary corrosion during the period from clearing of a surface before its painting without demothballing. Standard cultivation "NOTEH-K": 1 weight part of concentrate "NOTEH-K" to 2 parts of water.
The expense of working structure at double processing averages 90... 120 gr/m2
The solution is put on a clean degreased surface by a brush, the platen, a spray or immersing in a bath.
Climatic factors at transportation and storage aren't regulated. The composition incombustible, is easy to use.