During the period from 14.11.2022 to 18.11.2022, planned deliveries of detergent «O-BIS» and detergent «O-BISM» and the atmospheric corrosion inhibitor "N-M-1" were carried out for our partners in the cities: Saratov and St. Petersburg.
During the period from 14.11.2022 to 18.11.2022, planned deliveries of detergent «O-BIS» and detergent «O-BISM» and the atmospheric corrosion inhibitor "N-M-1" were carried out for our partners in the cities: Saratov and St. Petersburg.
CTG specialists have developed a complex of technological equipment for de-icing (thawing of ice and snow) of the lower part of the car bodies and wagon equipment.
Theoretical and practical briefings were conducted on the technology and operation of transportable technological equipment complexes for the preparation of boilers of railway tank cars from under oil cargo for filling and repair for representatives of our Partners from Samara within the framework of the previously concluded contract. The work of a similar complex of technological equipment purchased by them at one of the CTG-implemented facilities in the North-Western region is demonstrated. The equipment was accepted by the Customer and shipped to his address.
During the period from 07.11.2022 to 11.11.2022, planned deliveries of detergent «O-BIS» and detergent «O-BISM» and the atmospheric corrosion inhibitor "N-M-1" were carried out for our partners in the cities: Samara, Chelyabinsk, Saratov and St. Petersburg.
CTG specialists have developed a complex of portal-type technological equipment for processing (washing, rinsing and drying) the outer surfaces of railway rolling stock. The uniqueness of the developed technological solution consists in the exclusive location of the equipment, which significantly saves space, the length of the processed composition is up to 500 m.
Theoretical and practical briefings were conducted on the technology and operation of transportable technological equipment complexes for the preparation of boilers of railway tank cars from under oil cargo for filling and repair for representatives of our Partners from Perm within the framework of the previously concluded contract. The work of a similar complex of technological equipment purchased by them at one of the CTG-implemented facilities in the North-Western region is demonstrated. The equipment was accepted by the Customer and shipped to his address.
During the period from 31.10.2022 to 03.11.2022, planned deliveries of detergent «O-BIS» and detergent «O-BISM» and the atmospheric corrosion inhibitor "N-M-1" were carried out for our partners in the cities: Novosibirsk and St. Petersburg.
In the interests of one of our partners, a technical and commercial proposal for a complex of tunnel-type technological equipment for processing (washing, rinsing, drying) the exterior surfaces of trams cars has been worked out and prepared.
During the period from 24.10.2022 to 28.10.2022, planned deliveries of detergent «O-BIS» and detergent «O-BISM» and the atmospheric corrosion inhibitor "N-M-1" were carried out for our partners in the cities: Tomsk and St. Petersburg.
In the interests of one of our partners, a technical and commercial proposal for an automated complex of technological equipment for anti-icing protection of the internal surfaces of gondola cars has been worked out and prepared.